Nice post. I hope you get to feeling better very soon.
Thank you for your words of wisdom.
my most painful confession
note to simon: i will use some expletives, but i hope that they will be retained as this is intended to be an otherwise civil and thoughtful post to all my fellow ex-jws.
please read on, as this is most painful.
Nice post. I hope you get to feeling better very soon.
Thank you for your words of wisdom.
hello simon:.
i don't have much free time these days (and no extra energy) to post here regularly.
but i had a little time this evening and scrolled through some of the rated/archived posts.
Hello Simon:
I don't have much free time these days (and no extra energy) to post here regularly. But I had a little time this evening and scrolled through some of the rated/archived posts. Can I just say that what you've created here is a really a wonderful blessing (for lack of a better word) for current and former JWs. There is so much to learn and benefit from in these discussions. Also, Kudos to those who take the time to share their experience and knowledge on so many various topics.
You are the best!
the british journal of hematology 2002 119 25-37 makes interesting reading in its article by judith marsh and david bevan entitled 'haematological care of jehovahs witnesses'.
nothing new, but in view of what i heard recently from an jw acquaintance working in the hematology department of a local hospital it gave me some food for thought.
the long article necessarily of a scientific nature and therefore without any noted bias makes this point regarding the alteration in policy by the wts toward those jws who take blood transfusions as a matter of choice: .
Could you please post the article or add quotation marks to the direct quotes from the article?
the british journal of hematology 2002 119 25-37 makes interesting reading in its article by judith marsh and david bevan entitled 'haematological care of jehovahs witnesses'.
nothing new, but in view of what i heard recently from an jw acquaintance working in the hematology department of a local hospital it gave me some food for thought.
the long article necessarily of a scientific nature and therefore without any noted bias makes this point regarding the alteration in policy by the wts toward those jws who take blood transfusions as a matter of choice: .
Hi Scully,
You wrote:
"I'd really like to see something from AJWRB that really helps hospital staff understand the kind of
pressure and coercion that goes on among JWs when the blood issue arises."
What would be the most useful format/layout/wording?
Please discuss this w/your colleagues and advise us.
I happen to agree with you.
Best regards,
yesterday jehovahs witnesses and the hospital liason committee visited our hospital to donate a blood cell saver machine which had been funded by the local congregations in our county of kent in england.
a buffet lunch was provided, along with 4 talks to a large audience of surgical and medical consultants, anaetheologists, paedatricians, and obstetraticians (sp!
) about the future of blood and the transfusion of such products.
Hello ScoobySnax:
Thank you for your report. While the WTS donation of a cell saver unit is admirable it is the moral equivalent of a cigarette company donating chemotherapy drugs to a cancer center. The WTS irrational policy on the use of blood and blood products is responsible for thousands of needless deaths. The fact that JW children are sacrificed to support such a policy is reprehensible and the WTS policy of sanctioning any JW who conscientiously disagrees with its irrational policy by requiring their JW family members to shun them is morally repugnant.
Those who are most familiar with the finer points of this issue will not be impressed by the actions of the WTS in this instance. Their hands are full of innocent blood and it will take a lot more than donating a "Cell Saver" to atone for their wrong doing.
Lee Elder - AJWRB
a family friend is getting married and has asked me to perform the wedding.
my wife directed me to the solution:
so i'm clergy again!
A family friend is getting married and has asked me to perform the wedding. My wife directed me to the solution:
So I'm clergy again! Who would have thunk it ;-)
You too can be a man (or woman) of the cloth!
Check it out.
...when i read some of the posts in this forum these days.
the founding fathers had it right when.
they setup an electoral college and opted for a republic.
...when I read some of the posts in this forum these days. The founding fathers had it right when
they setup an electoral college and opted for a republic. As the walls of the Tower crumble expect
to see more (not less) lunacy from those fleeing. Ray Franz is absolutely correct when expressing
his concern that former Jehovah's Witnesses not exchange one set of extreme views for another -
that is what many do. Religion should bring out the best in people but sadly brings out the worst
all too often.
i noticed quite a few former elders commenting on the thread:
i thought it was amusing that about 20 percent of the bethelites in my department at bethel have left the organization.
Count me in for 10 years of stupidity.
the allegations of sexual abuse against at least one child and subsequent attempts to cover over the crime made against theodore jarcacz are extremely serious.
they have of course, yet to be proved one way or the other and theo jaracz has the right of proper representation both outside and within the walls of the wt, and should be allowed to defend himself against these accusations.
many persons who have in the past been accused of 'gross sins' become victim of an investigation by elders.
I have heard enough information from those in a position to know to feel comfortable treating the accusation seriously. Following WTS procedures, the body of elders in TJ congregation have a responsibility to appoint two elders and conduct an investigtion of this allegation.
to learn more about this development visit:.